Sunday, May 9, 2010

Internet Marketing Strategies - How to Develop High Impact Information Products and Programs

by Akin Babatunde, CEO, Ak Globaltech Concepts

As an Internet marketer best ways to develop online revenue is through the sales of your own products. The hardest part of that is, being good at developing information products and packaging them in a way that will bring back repeat customers.

There is a way that you must write the content in order for it to be enjoyable to the consumer in them wanting to come back for more. Following are several strategies, tips and techniques to use when writing your information products.

1. If you are writing in the introductory section or a quick start guide you want to cover a topic only I touching on certain topics in a general manner. You want to emphasize what areas are going to be covered in the other program components.

2. Any specific component or chapter of an information product, you want to emphasize things more specifically such as a course on search engine optimization or article marketing, for example. But remember, when your customer orders a course on something specific, they want to get as much information as possible on the topic, so they want a complete overview, and of course a house the author you want to cover all the information so that when people read the information, they feel as though they are well versed.

3. You want to be as specific as possible on the topic you're individual program of course is about. However, the purpose of your course may be very different. In fact, you have probably bought courses on each of the topics that you are covering in your own course, and yet you find that you have been unable to weed through all of the information and determine exactly what you need to do to make your web site, Internet marketing business or whatever topic the product is about, and make the information productive. Often, you may have felt as though if you applied all the information you learned, there would be no time for anything else. So keep this in mind when you write your manual or information products so you do not leave your customers feeling this will.

4. If you are developing content for an Internet marketing coaching program for example, focus on a wide range of techniques designed to take your web site from where it is to a new level - a level that has top ten search engine results, massive traffic, high conversion rates, and a strong membership list. Use search engine optimization techniques, both on-page and off, article marketing and web site submission strategies, and incorporate list building techniques. Whatever your topic is you want to break it down in the same manner I just did with Internet marketing and cover each of those separate components specifically in separate modules.

4. Expect that as your go through this coaching program, you are going to apply all of these techniques, and integrate them into your internet program to create profitable web programs. Not only do I expect that you will learn the critical aspects of each of the above - mentioned skills, but I expect that you will learn to incorporate all of the skills into your web program, and that they will work together synergistically to create maximum profit for you.

If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about Internet marketing.

Want to learn more Internet marketing techniques on how to build a successful businesses online?

If so, read about and download my brand new free ebook 27 Habits of Internet Marketing Super Stars

For more information on this topic and author go to

Dr. Dave Hale, The Internet Marketing Professor, specializes in the integration of Web 2.0 strategies into business marketing systems of all sizes.

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